It's a Mouse World after all . . .

The big bad world is not always the 'Happiest Place on Earth'. But at least there is a place where you can go to be a child again, recharge your 'believe batteries', and remember that dreams can come true. It's also a place to speak your mind and follow your heart. You can still believe in Happily Ever After, but you can also laugh at the follies we create in our daily life.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Out on a Limb . . .

Ok! . . . So this keeping it current thing is not going so well. I'll try to be better, really! I men it this time!
So, the 50th Anniversary Celebration is roaring to a close and it's just getting stranger and stranger at the land of the Mouse. Intrigue, politics, subterfuge, and flat out backstabbing! And we're not talking the plot line of 103 Dalmations here . . . though I'm pretty sure somebody's hide is gonna get nailed to the wall.
All is not well in Walt's Kingdom. It seems that the people that work in the "Hot Dog" Building keep forgetting that the noisy neighbor behind them is the very same Theme Park that pays their oh-so-undeserved salaries. The 'Blue Cards', meaning those with salaried positions, hold the 'Yellow Cards', (those 1000's of Hourly Cast Members), in such low esteem that they forget who really pays the bills around here. With the EXCEPTIONALLY high Cast Member turn over, some of those very same 'Blue Cards' now have to work fill in shifts in the Parks! Oooh, and are they so not happy about that. It seems that as they brown nose to their managers that they would love to be a team player and help out, they're really looking for any excuse to avoid being in close proximity to the great unwashed masses . . . The PAYING GUESTS!
After going through the mandatory training as Attraction Operators, Food Servers, Guest Control, and (GASP!) Custodial . . . They conveniently have projects that prevent them from showing up for their SCHEDULED shifts, or forget their costumes, or even worse . . . Just don't care to show up at all! Now I know that staffing an Attraction in the same costume that a $6.75 an hour Cast Member doesn't hold the same glamour as being the 1st Assistant to the Executive Director of Entertainment's 3rd level Scheduler, but C'mon people . . . What do you think a Guest is going to care about? The fact that you were there to keep P.O.T.C. running at full capacity or the fact that you can xerox better than anyone else in your department?
The days of Cast Members willing to make less money than the starting wage at In-N-Out is RAPIDLY coming to an end. And the laughable, highly derived, and banner waving "Disney Difference' is not going to make an ounce of difference one way or the other when you can't pay your rent, or you have to choose between buying gas or eating that week. It's the Hourly Cast Members that keep the 'Kingdom that Walt Built' running smoothly, not the spread sheet readers, not the forecasters, not the micro managers, not even the Diversity Team.
When it comes time to divvy up the pie and hand out bonuses, why is it only the 'Blue Cards' that get the cash? If it wasn't for the 'Yellow Cards and they way they interact with the Guests and provide and maintain that 'Magical Experience' for every click through the turnstiles, there would be 90 plus acres of very pretty buildings and greenspace. 'Cuz there would be no one to keep those attractions running, stock those merchandise shelves, cook in the kitchens, keep the place clean, and run those turnstiles. Do you think the 'Blue Cards' would step up to the plate and help out? Very few I think . . . Just the ones that started as a 'Yellow Card', because I don't see a lot of those people in the "Hot Dog Building" wanting to get their fancy degrees dirty from human contact.
I'm going out on a limb and saying it plain and clear. The rumbling you hear is not the boat lifts on 'Pirates', but a growing chorus of alienation from the rank and file.
What was once truly the "Happiest Place on Earth", is now only the distant memory of "One Man's Dream", and a nightmare for others.
There's my 2 cents.

*** Hot Dog Building: The Frank Ghery Designed Team Disney Anaheim administration building. Term taken from it's Yellow, Green, and Red color scheme: Mustard on one side, Relish on the other, with a bunch of Weenies running up and down the halls!


Blogger Thundercizzle said...

That does sound wild.

6:04 PM  

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