It's a Mouse World after all . . .

The big bad world is not always the 'Happiest Place on Earth'. But at least there is a place where you can go to be a child again, recharge your 'believe batteries', and remember that dreams can come true. It's also a place to speak your mind and follow your heart. You can still believe in Happily Ever After, but you can also laugh at the follies we create in our daily life.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

A long time ago in a Hollow far, far away . . .

Life really used to be much simpler by far when Donna Reed was still on TV. Families ate together, we were all truly interested in what we did during the day, we shared lives and moments, people took the time to get to know their neighbors, we had civic pride, we believed in truth - justice - and the American way. AND, we could do it all while wearing a string of pearls, high heeled shoes, and a fabulous daytime frock!

No wonder valiums became 'mother's little helpers'!

How many of us actually have the opportunity to sit down with our families (real, made, imaginary, or birth) for a meal that doesn't involve the additional stress of some sort of a holiday? How many of us ask "How was your day?", and not really care or listen to the answer? How many people live long enough in one place to get to know their neighbors, other than their address or apartment number when we have to make a complaint? And how long has it been that we felt we haven't been lied to, cheated by, or screwed over by the same government we're so busy waving flags for and invading countries we had no business invading in the 1st place?
Are chemicals truly the answer? Or just an easy fall back so we never have to face the realities of our lives?

Ok, be honest now. Do you have some secret place you go to in your heart of hearts when life gets a little to unreal to be real? Can you close your eyes and see yourself in a better place (and no, I don't mean heaven)? Are you there alone or with friends or family? Is your 'dream date' there with you, or is your imagination running away with you as your fall into your harem of beauties or pride of boytoys? Is this a place of peace and serenity, a calming influence in your daily chaos? Or is it the magic kingdom of wants and desires that makes Vegas look like Des Moines?

Ok, I really want to know... What gets you through your day?

To be honest, I have a special place. I cheat a little because I get to visit it once a week along with millions of other people. I'm lazy because someone else created it and populated it with the quirkiest of characters, the purest of souls, and the simple happiness that sometimes you get from warm puppy.
I'm talking Stars Hollow my friends, that wacky little hamlet in Connecticut that really only exists on the Warner Brothers Backlot and lives in the fervent imaginations of the Sherman-Palladino's.
I want to sit at a table at 'Luke's' and watch 'Luke' teach life lessons, I want to shop at 'Dose's Market' and squeeze the produce just to annoy 'Taylor'. I'd love to flirt outrageously with 'Miss Patty' and 'Babette'. (Maybe liberate a few of her gnomes while I'm at it!) How kewl would it be to walk around 'Kim's Antiques' for hours touching everything and buying nothing just to hear 'Mrs.Kim' mumble in Korean under her breath as I walked out the door? I want to walk around the 'Town Square' and sit on the bench in the Gazebo waiting for 'Dean' to come wandering by . . . Ok, maybe I'd like that more than just a little bit. I want to lay on my wonderfully overdone bed at the 'Dragonfly Inn' and eat all the Toblerone in the honor bar, then call down to the front desk every 15 minutes just to annoy 'Michele'. Wouldn't it drive 'Suki' crazy to sit in the dining room and order course after course of her fabulous food, and then ask for ketchup?
I'd love to wake up in a crazy place and know I'm the sanest person there . . . Of course wanting to live inside a TV show is no benchmark to my sanity by any means.

I guess what I'm trying to say in this particular rant and babble is that we all need those special places that exist, sometimes only in your heart, or in my case, on a Hollywood (Burbank) Backlot.
These special places keep us grounded in reality (whatever shade that may be) and give us a reason to venture forth. The can make us smile on the darkest of days, or give us solace when the world around us has turned upside down.

We all need a 'Neverland'.
Mine just happens to have excellent coffee and a great soundtrack.


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