It's a Mouse World after all . . .

The big bad world is not always the 'Happiest Place on Earth'. But at least there is a place where you can go to be a child again, recharge your 'believe batteries', and remember that dreams can come true. It's also a place to speak your mind and follow your heart. You can still believe in Happily Ever After, but you can also laugh at the follies we create in our daily life.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

We are not amused . . . Part 2

Dawn was breaking over the desert by the time I had my 3rd cup of coffee of the day. I woke up at my usual pre-dawn time and just couldn't get back to sleep. Of course, I had been running the previous evening over and over in my head all night. Had I really been flirting with disaster last night, or was my sexy new guardian angel just taking advantage of the situation? His business card was propped up against the side of the coffee maker's thermal carafe, I picked it up again to scrutinize It for about the fortieth time."Peter Stone Interior Design" it read, embossed on heavy card stock with a very elegant graphic. Several business number were listed as well as a cell number on the back. Should I call or shouldn't I? That sculptured face, that incredible body that had been encased in 501's and a tight Polo shirt, those eyes that seemed to look right through me, and that wicked smile that promised sincerity with just a hint of mischief. I put the card down again, waffling between being safe or taking a leap of faith . . . just what is a boy supposed to do in a situation like this?

I decided to take the middle road and send him an email, figuring if he was an early riser like me, he'd probably check his email 1st thing in the morning like me. That way, it'd be safe to send him the number here at the house and if he didn't call by the time I was ready to head over to CCBC for the event it just wasn't meant to be. So I sat down and wrote up a witty email, telling him I was flattered and more than a little shy. I told him about my predawn picnic here on the deck by the pool with coffee and fruit, and that if he still wanted to get together for breakfast to give me a call. I told him I was about to get into the jacuzzi and float away the time between 7am and 7:30am. Off it went and I crossed my fingers!

I had barely put my hand in the water to see if it was warm enough yet when the phone rang. It was my guardian angel calling to say that he was surprised I was up so early, most people he knew tried to sleep in on Saturdays. I explained that Saturdays for me had almost always been a work day and it was only recently that a Saturday off had ever become an option. My body clock was still at odds with that info and as a result I still was up early.
He laughed and said he could rustle up a breakfast picnic if I was still in the mood to get together, and we could either meet up and go for a drive or since I had the jacuzzi up and boiling, we could be decadent and eat champagne and strawberries as we soaked in the bubbling water. (Now how can you refuse and invitation like that?) I gave Peter directions to the house and dashed off to make myself presentable after he rang off. This was exciting!

Peter was at the door in what seemed to be a heartbeat, wicker basket in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other. We hugged as I welcomed him in, he turned to me and said "I certainly hope you're hungry! I've got fresh croissants, a wedge of very ripe brie, eggs coddled in cream with crispy bacon, strawberries and raspberries, and 2 bottles of very cold Pol Roger!" As I stared at him in disbelief I couldn't keep the in credulousness out of my voice as I asked him how in the world did he manage to pull that off in the short time since he called and the time he pulled into the driveway? He very sheepishly blushed and looked down and stated that he wished he could say he was a miracle worker, but in reality he had called a local restaurant he knew was open early for breakfast and placed an order for pick-up along the way here. I still couldn't believe he had pulled it off and leaned into him and kissed him on the cheek and said "Thank you, this was an incredibly sweet gesture".
I thought the boy was going to faint!
As I ushered him out onto the terrace, the sun was still peeking out and painting the horizon in pinks and dusky blues as it rose into the sky, and steered him towards the jacuzzi and the table I had been drinking coffee at. I turned to him and asked if he wanted to spread things out here on the table and have a leisurely breakfast, or did he want to be decadent and jump into the jacuzzi and dine alfresco right out of the picnic basket? He got a very mischievous grin on his face and stammered out "I forgot to bring a swimsuit, is that going to be a problem? I can always wear my underwear instead". I smiled and said "Well, you are a guest and guests should always feel comfortable. . . And being that you've brought such an incredible feast over this morning, you have the honor of deciding whether we'll be wearing anything into the jacuzzi or not." The boy was pulling his Polo shirt over his head before I had finished getting the words out of my mouth! And when those 501's hit the floor and he was just standing there in his CK Briefs I just had to laugh. I felt so bad because he suddenly blushed from head to toe and I had to stammer out between the giggles that I was already calling him 'CKBoy' in my head and this was just the proof I needed.
He walked over, put his arms around me, pulled me in for one of the deepest kisses I've ever had, and whispered into my ear "Aren't you terribly overdressed?"

Well . . . in order to keep this blog PG, let's just say that food was not at the top of our list when we 1st got into the jacuzzi and thank god for insulated containers because by the time we finished splashing about we were ravenous! The food was still warm, the champagne was still cold, and it just felt very right to be floating in each other's arms as we fed each other berries and bits of bacon, and taking swigs of that incredible wine right out of the bottle!
After many hours we were lying atop the bed in the Master Suite, talking about life and figuring out the fates. Peter was here on business for the 3rd month now and couldn't wait to get home to Seattle, I told of my life and the reason for my visit this weekend. He asked if I really wanted to go and I told him that the curiosity factor was the top of my list, I really wasn't looking to hook up with anyone, that's why our interlude was such and unexpected surprise. He understood what i meant and let me know that he's been to CCBC several times for that reason, but he said that as curious as he was, there just wasn't anyone there who caught his eye and he just left frustrated and $25.00 poorer (the cost of a day pass to CCBC).

Peter looked at his watch and moaned, citing that he was overdue at his office by about 4 hours. I asked him if he wanted to shower up and get on the road, but he said he just wanted to hang out here. Then he admitted that he couldn't because his client was coming in later in the afternoon to sign off on some revisions for the project he was working on. Luckily they were all done, if not he said he would be in a full scale panic attack about now. So we tottered off to the shower, splashing and laughing, and not really doing a whole lot of showering.
As I gave him a hug goodbye at the door, I caught the sadness in his eyes just as I was giving him a kiss. I asked what was the matter? Peter said "I have no right to ask you not to go to CCBC today, just as I have no right to ask you to sit around waiting for me to finish up with my client, whenever that might be. But I will ask you to give me a call later and see how things are going and hopefully make plans for breakfast tomorrow morning as well. I smiled at him and kissed him on the forehead and said "You may or may not have a right to ask me anything at this point, but you do have a right to ask me to respect myself and to be safe in whatever I end up doing this afternoon. And for that I will be grateful and feel safer with you."
As Peter got into his car, he looked at me and said "Please call me, and let me know what's going on and how your day is going."
With that, he closed the car door and drove away.

CCBC, what can I say about the place that hasn't been said before? If you're looking to hook up, get a tan, play in the pool, hook up, walk the grounds, visit the playrooms, hook up, get a massage, meet lots of men, and did I mention the hooking up part? . . . Yeah, then this is the place for you.
I have never felt so out of my element in my life! Toto, not only were we not in Kansas any more, but I think we had entered a whole other plane of existence. Lions, and Tigers, and BEARS, OH MY! It was just a sea of naked men, nearly naked men, and men that shouldn't have been naked at all! My Oh My!
There were men in the pool that looked like they were wearing a sweater, men standing around looking like they were posing for the 'Mr.Universe' contest as they flexed every muscle known to man, men sitting in and around the pool that were giving Jabba the Hut a run for his money, men that looked like they had never met a gym they didn't like, men that looked so terrified that someone would recognize them, men that were so pale they got a sunburn when they just used the word 'sunlight', men acting like kids in a candy store, men acting like pigs at a trough, men that were sincerely happy to be there and had a kind word for everyone they encountered, and men that were just being worshipped . . . in every definition of the word.

As I made my rounds of the pool area and the adjacent lawn, I was looking for a lounger to call my own. I just wanted to sit down and get out the line of sight and regroup my wits. This was worse that Gay Pride, worse than a Circuit Party, worse than any gay club i had ever been to! With the looks that some of these guys were giving me, I felt like the last eclair on the plate!
At 1st I was trying not to make eye contact, then I was trying not to even look in any one's direction, I was trying to figure out how long it was until lunch because then I would have an excuse to pick up my stuff and leave while everyone was up at the buffet. I tried burying my nose in a book to keep myself occupied, if i was reading i wasn't looking and i couldn't give anyone any ideas! To my chagrin a shadow loomed over me and then a voice drawled out "You cannot honestly be here with all this on display and have your nose buried in a book, can you?" I looked up and was suddenly face to pelvis with 2 of the most firm chiseled muscular thighs I had ever seen in my life. He was only wearing a loin cloth that barely covered his pelvis, and what it was covering was definitely making it's presence known as it brushed against my temple, I looked up to see 6pack abs and pecs that looked like Mt.Rushmore. There was a face smiling down at me with a twinkle in his eye, he put out his hand to shake mine and said "Hi! I'm Daniel . . . I can't believe a cute guy like you is burying himself in a book on a day like today." I stammered out a hello and my name, and admitted that I was more than a little overwhelmed and I was trying to plan my escape! He chuckled, sat down on the arm of the lounger, put his arms around me and said "I'll be here to protect you. Nothing will happen to you today that you don't want to happen. I'll make you that promise."

What's a boy to do?


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