It's a Mouse World after all . . .

The big bad world is not always the 'Happiest Place on Earth'. But at least there is a place where you can go to be a child again, recharge your 'believe batteries', and remember that dreams can come true. It's also a place to speak your mind and follow your heart. You can still believe in Happily Ever After, but you can also laugh at the follies we create in our daily life.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

We are not amused . . . Part 3

Indeed! . . . what was a boy to do? 2 Guardian Angels in one weekend? The odds are so stacked against that possibility that the logical part of my brain was screaming at me that we must go out and invest the rent money on a Lottery Ticket at this point. I mean, he was a sculpted mass of ivory colored flesh in a tiny sarong that was wanting to sit on my lounger and offer protection and friendship. Not to mention the eye candy.
I gulped down my fear and pride and stammered out a "thank you" while trying to keep the sincerity in my smile and trying not to drool over how the sarong rode up his thighs and definitely let me know he wasn't wearing anything underneath. He looked me right in the eye and asked me flat out, "Why are you sitting here with your nose in a book?" I nervously stumbled over my words as I explained to him how uncomfortable I was and how lost I felt. He asked "Aren't you here with anyone? Didn't you come with friends or something?" I said no and tried to explain how this was my 1st time and that this whole thing was completely new to me and I was still trying to understand it all and make some sense of it.
This sculpted guardian angel just threw back his head and laughed . . . and laughed . . . and laughed until I swore I saw tears running down his cheeks (he later said it was sweat, but I think that was just to soothe my feeling of humiliation). He then took one look at me face, cleared his throat, and paused to take a good look at me and read what he saw on my face. He chuckled, sat back closer on the arm of the lounger, put his arms around me and said "I'll be here to protect you. Nothing will happen to you today that you don't want to happen. I'll make you that promise." You could have knocked me over with a feather at this point. "This really wasn't happening" I thought, feeling even more out of my element than before. This total god was trying to make me feel safe and I was still looking for the exits.
"You need to make some friends" he said. "Get your stuff together and let's get you someplace safe." I started pulling my back up off the grass as my flipflops and suntan lotion spilled out. "You're fully dressed. What do you need flipflops and lotiond for?" he asked. I began to explain that I was wearing my suimsuit underneath as well as a tank top under my shirt. "No wonder you're uncomfortable, you're way overdressed. We're not moving until you lose a few layers." He sat right back down and crossed his arms waiting for me to follow his instructions. "But..." I stammered out, "Out here in public? People will notice!" The raise of his eyebrow communicated it perfectly . . . that was entirely what he meant to happen.

Gathering my most imperious gaze I dropped trou. Well, the kind of trou you can drop when you know you're wearing board shorts underneath your trousers. My pants hit the grass as my shirt went up over my head. Sitting back down I began to gather everything up and fold it into my backpack. Daniel just sat there with that gleam in his eye and that smile on his face. I wasn't too sure whether I should feel safe or more like I was going to be offered up as the special of the day. He stood up and offered me a hand up, and proceeded to direct me towards the cabana tents where the chairs and tables had been set up for the lunch that day. He pulled me towards a table where hands were already being raised in greeting for him. "You've got to meet these guys" he said, "They'll make you feel more than welcome." an assortment of faces were looking back at my with what i can only now describe as "Look who Dan snared this time" looks on their faces. Some had a knowing smile, some a sort of amusement on their face, and the rest had that 'been there done that' look. I stammered out a "Hello!" with a jaunty wave as I took a seat. I was introduced to the players at hand and was greeted warmly in return. Lunch was suddenly announced and as we all stood to get into the buffet line, Dan was suddenly at my side and now had become my escort for the day.
Looking back at things now, this was to prove to be the template for my relationship with the man. He was going to protect me and treat me like a gentleman, and it was no act, that's just the way he is. Of course, I also learned that he did love to separate boys from the herd and overwhelm them with charm, sex appeal, and pure bravado. How's a boy to resist?
As the day progressed I was swept into various activities and conversations, meeting new people but continuing to go back to the core group I was 1st introduced to. Laying in the sun, talking in boisterous groups, and some serious one on one face time with assorted handsome strangers ultimately led me find myself bobbing along with the crowd in the pool. Now, stepping out of myself I can see the surrealism that this visual presented. All kinds of bodies floating in this pool. Some sections look like wet bears foraging for salmon. Others look and play like frisky otters. There are pods of big boys, looking like young whales at play. While their counterparts look like excited dolphins circling, jumping, diving around them. Of course there are the beautiful boys with gym toned bodies and the personality of wonder bread just posing and trying to show off their assets to the best advantage.
I'm quickly brought back to reality by the barrage of bubbles being blown up my board shorts!
It's mister gorgeous reminding me he hasn't forgotten about me.
He was just distracted by a college by on the other side of the pool.
Now he's swimming between the 2 of us and trying to get the three of us at play with splashing and such. Now college boy have already squared of and realized we've both hooked the prize of the day. And we've both realized we want nothing to do with this 3 way play, it's all or nothing and to the victor go the spoils. So as we both glare at each other from our respective sides of the pool we both turn on the charm in mega high wattage waves, we're working this prize fight and Dan is going to be the ultimate winner. Boys can be so stupid, and I'm surprised I've gotten into this pissing match with a boy literally 1/2 my age.

Eventually Dan makes his choice and swims under me, comes up face to face and spits water in my face. Then kisses me . . . talk about marking your territory! He puts his arms around me and and whispers in my ear "You look like you've had enough sun. Don't you think it's time you went someplace cool and shaded to relax and slip out of your wet things?" By that point my brain had turned to tapioca and all I could do was not my head. He took me by the hand and led me out of the pool and across the lawns to his rooms, pausing long enough to gather my belongings (because i had lost all sense of reason), and ignoring the knowing smirks of those I would later come to name and acknowledge as 'Rose' & 'Dorothy'. Again, keeping this a 'PG' blog, let's just say that I was lead down a path I had never been down before, and let me just say this, "How are you gonna keep them down on the farm after they've seen Paris?"

Oh what is a boy to do?


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