It's a Mouse World after all . . .

The big bad world is not always the 'Happiest Place on Earth'. But at least there is a place where you can go to be a child again, recharge your 'believe batteries', and remember that dreams can come true. It's also a place to speak your mind and follow your heart. You can still believe in Happily Ever After, but you can also laugh at the follies we create in our daily life.

Monday, September 23, 2013

How do you reconnect this disconnect?

"I loved you before I even knew who you were, but I was ready for you to come into my life." . . . Kinda hokey, bordering on the cliche, but exactly what my heart was telling me & exactly what I wanted to say as a beginning to my wedding vows.
Wedding Vows.
Had I really gotten to that point? I'd already been married, it was such a farce. Two people standing before god & everyone, pledging eternal love & fidelity . . . I don't think she even knew how to spell those words much less the meaning of them. She was all about the show & the extravaganza . . . I was there for the food.
I felt like I was checking something off of my To-Do-List rather than taking a step along the new path of my life. I had moved down from San Francisco for this, I was setting up a new home with this woman and her children, I was becoming a husband. And all I really wanted to do is sit in a corner with my buds, open up the champagne & fire up a cigar.
It couldn't have ended soon enough.

 However, with 'Him' I was ready. We had a plan, a 5 year plan. Time for him to finish school and get his degree. Time for internships and jobs, time for studying and plan for our future. We talked about kids & the possibility of creating a family together. We talked about the age differences, what we had to overcome or think about. We met each others friends and family, people pulling me aside not to tell me how young he was but to tell me how wonderful he was and how happy he made me.
I began to plan 'Our' lives together, make plans for my life with him as the center, my anchor point.
Then things changed, my job fell apart, my health went wonky, my self esteem took numerous blows. But he was right there alongside me, giving me strength and support, and most of all, unconditional love. I felt I could get through anything because of that. With him beside me I could survive, get stronger, find a new purpose, begin a new life. All because of that unconditional love.

I began to make career plans based on 'Us', I discussed things with him, asked for his opinions, how he felt about options that had presented themselves. It all boiled down to us being able to make it work because we would be there to support each other, that we would only be a phone call or text away, a short drive or flight. We were about to build a future. Then the voids began. Silences and unanswered questions, not seeing each other because of 'sudden' changes of plans. "We'll see each other next week" became the new standard refrain, "Oh, I forgot" soon became the other. We were no longer in 'Synch' as we had been since the beginning, our 2nd anniversary was on the horizon but we were disconnecting exponentially.

You had told me "I love you!" that morning, but hours later you said you needed to talk to me. "I don't want to be boyfriends anymore" was what you said. "We don't like the same things" was your answer to the question of "Why?", and you couldn't leave fast enough. But you paused at the door and asked "Will you still wave goodbye to me?" . . . That was our thing, the one that stayed stood and watched the other drive away, waving the whole time until we couldn't see each other any more.
So I did . . . I stood in the doorway & watched you get into your car, look at me through the car windows and drove away as I stood waving until you disappeared from view. I closed the door amidst the shattered pieces of my heart and took a deep breath. You were gone.


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